Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
Sometimes, no matter what we do we simply cannot get rid of excess fat and skin around the abdominal area. This is a common issue after weight loss, and post-pregnancy a mother may be left with unsightly stretch marks and abdominal muscles that have permanently lost their form. Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a “tummy tuck,” can resolve these issues.
A tummy tuck will remove excess tissue and get rid of stretch marks permanently – and the best part is that most incisions from this procedure can be hidden by a bikini bottom. The end result: the flat, tight and youthful-looking abdomen you have been hoping for.
Abdominoplasty is among the most popular procedures in the country.
A tummy tuck is a wonderful way to sculpt the figure and shape the body. A full abdominoplasty will typically take 2 to 4 hours, but the specific time and results will vary depending on the patient and his or her particular needs.
More About Tummy Tuck Procedures
A tummy tuck will address three main issues in order to help you obtain the flat stomach you want:
Loose skin and stretch marks
Fat tissue, often accumulated in the lower abdomen in particular
Muscle weakness or separation
This is performed by making an incision along the lower abdominal and pubic area, from hip to hip. The excess skin and fat is then stretched and removed and the remaining skin is placed back over the abdomen and sutured into place. A tummy tuck can be performed with liposuction in order to create a more defined result.